
Affairs to bollock waxing: The best midlife crises for men

ARE you a man who feels over the hill? Destroy your relationships by endeavouring to recapture your youth in these stupid ways.

Man persuades himself that Easter sex is a thing

A MAN has successfully convinced himself that Easter sex is both traditional and deserved, and has set out to get some.

Five essential items needed for a three-day car journey to Dover

GETTING a car ferry to the continent? Here are five things you should not be stuck in the massive queue without.

People who live in scenic areas heading to shitholes for Easter weekend

RESIDENTS of St Ives and the Cotswolds are heading to dumps like Luton and Peterborough for the Easter weekend, it has emerged.

Man feeling pretty damn successful after inheriting his parents' house

A MAN feels he has achieved more in life than most of his peers due to owning a home given to him by his parents.

Total bitch brazenly accepts compliment

A WOMAN has horrified onlookers by accepting a compliment without hesitation, deflection, or cringing humility.

The six best period features for really wanking on about at a dinner party

WANT to be the smuggest arsehole round the table? Wax lyrical about features that happened to come with your house as if they were personal achievements, like these.

Mum managing to 'have it all' by doing half-arsed job of both parenting and work

A MOTHER has found that the key to ‘having it all’ is putting minimal effort into every area of her life.

Five brilliant, life-changing opportunities you f**ked up

LIFE is full of crossroads moments where choosing the right path is the key to a fantastic future. Here are five you blew.

Children flatly refuse all suggestions of how they might entertain themselves on day one of Easter

CHILDREN have begun the Easter holidays by going through a list of possible self-entertainment options and turning them all down flat.