
Last week I praised Trump as the Eternal Hero risen to lead us into glory. Let me just qualify that

IN last week’s and multiple previous columns I have described Trump as our one true Caesar and the saviour of freedom. That stands, but with a few notes.

Six sexual red flags on your dating profile obvious to everybody, with the Mash sex columnist

YOU’VE curated your dating profile to give an entirely inaccurate impression. These are the entirely accurate conclusions everyone draws in one glance.

Your astrological week ahead for March 1st, with Psychic Bob

Neighbours got an England flag up? Shin up the pole at night, replace it with the flag of Papua New Guinea and enjoy the muddled racist frenzy as they try to work out who did it.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Tate, very much Trump's kind of evil twat

WAKING up with a hangover almost, if not quite, the size of Rotterdam, I vomit in an elegant plume and reflect on my contribution to the betterment of mankind this week. 

The food's shit, but at least my clothes are in fashion: The gammon food critic's 70s retro party

I BLOODY loved the 1970s. I was in my prime and we had entertainment like Carry On films and Love Thy Neighbour before the wokerati banned good-natured banter like ‘spear-chucker’.

This week in Mash History: Stravinsky drops diss track, 1927

REGARDED as one of the 20th century’s great composers, Stravinsky is pivotal to modernism and the bloke your dad guesses for all music questions on University Challenge.

Your astrological week ahead for February 22nd, with Psychic Bob

Always odd, the obsession medieval artists had with creating memento mori. Was an infant mortality rate of 30 per cent insufficient to remind them of death?

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Liz Truss crawling up the arse of Trump

Waking up with my head pounding to a Burundi rhythm, my tongue akin to a sofa left out in the desert for six weeks, I take a moment to reflect on the events of the past seven days.

A white home counties roadman is forced to sell him's retro drip on Vinted

FIFTEEN-year-old Active J, known in his detached home as Joshua Hudson, has been told that if he doesn’t sell his old clothes they’ll be given to a charity shop.

A confused millennial tries to… join the populist Trump revolution

LEFT-wing social justice politics is so Biden. Edgelord is the new woke. Right-wing extremism is blowing up in Europe and America. I had to get involved.