
Deluded man swears you used to be able to buy things with a fiver

A MAN who has lost his grip on reality is convinced that goods or services could once be bought with nothing more than a five pound note.

'I wouldn't have set fire to a Holiday Inn if I'd been kept abreast of the relevant facts'

HERE I am, inside HMP Risley, for throwing a burning bin through a Holiday Inn window. When the real crime is that I was wilfully under-informed.

'I Am The Toast You Dropped Butter-Side Down': Six country songs for British audiences

COUNTRY music is all about high drama, hard liquor and cowboy metaphors. Can it be adapted to suit lower-key British audiences?

Which university to attend if you're posh but too thick for Oxbridge: A guide for the wealthy

HAVE you been excluded from Oxbridge on the totally unfair basis that you’re too stupid? Here are some alternatives for posh rejects, handily listed in descending order of snobbery.

E-bikes not as irritating as normal cyclists even though they might kill you

PEOPLE who ride e-bikes are less annoying than normal cycling dickheads, even though they could probably kill you, it has emerged.

A copy of the Metro, and other presents for people with January birthdays

FRIEND selfish enough to be born in January? Insensitively expecting a birthday present regardless of your overdraft? These make ideal cost-effective gifts.

Six minor twatteries of modern Britain Starmer could ban to win the public round

INDUSTRY bodies are reconsidering the legality of charging £1,906 in fines for paying for parking five minutes late. Dealing with these similar vexations could transform Labour’s fortunes.

'Start, you absolute twat' car warning issued across the UK

THE Met Office has issued desperate, tearful pleading with your car warnings for huge swathes of the country.

Barista spells your name wrong deliberately because you're a twat

A STARBUCKS staff member who always writes a terrible misspelling of your forename on your cup does so because the consensus of the staff is that you are an arsehole.

Estate agents still not vile enough to put Britain off buying houses

BEING condescended to and looked down upon by estate agents is still insufficiently demeaning to stop people buying houses, it has emerged.