A RUTHLESS commercial enterprise masquerading as fun for children, the school summer fayre is screaming for your goods. What will you toss into its jaws?
AN ADULT woman has told her mother how upset about an unfair parking fine she is in the hope her parent will step in and pay it.
PUPILS on a school trip have come back with no new knowledge except that a classmate’s mum is a certified MILF.
BARRATT Homes have confessed they have no idea who designs, builds or orders their identical housing estates or why they keep appearing everywhere.
WORRIED about crime in your area? Excessive whimsy is much more of a danger. Here are some warning signs to look out for.
A WELL-off mother and father are feeling grateful that their child has the good fortune to be born wealthy, it has emerged.
A MAN staying in a regular hotel is longing for the underlying hostility of booking a night in an Airbnb, it has emerged.
TOO many graduates have insufficient knowledge of the psychosexual elements of the Alien films, industry leaders have warned.
CYCLISTS have emerged from winter hibernation to display their summer plumage and demonstrate their fertility to uninterested potential mates.