A copy of the Metro, and other presents for people with January birthdays

FRIEND selfish enough to be born in January? Insensitively expecting a birthday present regardless of your overdraft? These make ideal cost-effective gifts: 

A copy of the Metro

Big birthdays are honoured with a copy of The Times from the day you were born, so celebrating a less-vital birthday with a commemorative copy of the Metro from their birthday today is just as thoughtful. Having leafed through it for quality control purposes, you’re confident your friend will be blown away by its mix of concise reporting and 60 Seconds With Gwiluym Lee.

Good karma

You can’t put a price on positive vibes, which is fortunate, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to afford them. But as good karma isn’t a tangible object, you won’t even need to splash out on £2-a-roll wrapping paper. Simply write it down in the cheapest generic birthday card you can find in Smiths and let the benevolent forces of the universe do the rest.

A link to a hilarious cat video

The gift of laughter is the most valuable present of all, as the few comedians who don’t host daytime ITV gameshows tell us. And funny cat videos are the internet’s only true gold, so a ten-second clip they’ve not seen before is far better than some tawdry item which aligns with their personality and interests. Though it does set the bar high for next year.

The promise of a pint

Anticipation is arguably the most invigorating part of receiving a present. Once unwrapped they’re not as good. The promise of a pint on payday gives your pal a carrot to get through the month, powering through a grim time of year and helping them move on from a birthday which has been such a terrible disappointment.

Any DVD you’re unlikely to watch again

In the age of streaming and disposable content, a DVD of Amelie or Inception is like a handcrafted oak dresser made by a skilled carpenter. Marvel at those interactive menus and US trailers. This gift is both antique and vintage, but do remove any charity shop price stickers and check the right disc’s in the case.


Whether an ex, a close friend or a second cousin, everybody loves sex. Tie a red ribbon around the relevant area and present it with a smile of cheerful acquiescence to their most outlandish desires. Then say ‘Or if you’re not bothered?’ and hope they agree with a shrug.

'Trump would have been convicted if you'd pulled your f**king fingers out'

A REPORT has revealed that Donald Trump would have been convicted if the American justice system had stopped pulling its pud and done something. 

Special Counsel Jack Smith found the evidence against Trump ‘was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction’ for election interference, if only it had not been delivered four years f**king late.

US citizen Norm Steele Jr said: “Great work, justice department. But not timely work.

“Well done for taking exactly the period of time to deliver this that it was unhelpful to take. You’re like a doctor sending a ‘you only have six months to live’ letter after six months.

“What, was there no rush? A former president attempts to overturn an election and you’re like ‘no biggie, let me finish making this rubber-band ball and I’ll get to it in the AM. Oh, it’s Friday tomorrow, no point starting then, I’ll come at it fresh on Monday.’

“Ideally we’d have had this around 2022, between elections, then we could have done the whole trial and conviction in good time for the presidential election. But because it wasn’t we had no idea if he was guilty and I still feel perfectly justified in voting for him.”

A spokesman for the Democrat Party said: “The release of this report is immaterial. Even if he was convicted and imprisoned, we believe we would have found a way to lose.”