Which university to attend if you're posh but too thick for Oxbridge: A guide for the wealthy

HAVE you been excluded from Oxbridge on the totally unfair basis that you’re too stupid? Here are some alternatives for posh rejects, handily listed in descending order of snobbery.


So what if you fumbled the Worcester College entrance interview? Even if you’d made it through you probably would have ended up at Durham sooner or later due to failing stuff. You should feel sorry for the poor sods who had Durham down as their first choice but couldn’t get the grades. They must be thick as pig shit.

London School of Economics

Yes, LSE is a highly prestigious university that only the best of the best get into, but focus on that last word: ‘economics’. Money talks even more in higher education than it does in the real world, so if you’re sufficiently wealthy, just buy your way in. A modest financial gift should do it. How about a new wing on the Marshall Building?


Don’t let the fact that it’s in the South West put you off. Bristol University is part of the Russell Group so it’ll still look good on your CV. The entry process can be highly selective, but so long as you dazzle the admin team by not speaking with the primitive accent of the locals you should get in without too much trouble.

St Andrews

The University of St Andrews frequently tops the rankings of the UK’s best universities, and the future King and Queen both studied there. Despite this people aren’t clamouring to get into it with the same intensity as Oxbridge, presumably because it’s all the way up in Scotland and isn’t renowned for being the home of a barely tolerable student sketch troupe.


You’re really down to the dregs now. Exeter is known for being the number one sports university in the south, which means that once you graduate after burning £45,000 you’ll still be working in a dead-end job for the rest of your life. The surroundings are suitably upper-class though, so at least you’ll have a good view while you squander your future.


Goldsmiths specialises in creative subjects, meaning even stupid dickheads have a decent chance of getting in. You don’t need to be particularly smart to succeed in the arts, but it’s a huge help if you’ve got rich parents who want to be shot of you for three years. If you can tolerate being around other braindead pretentious poshos, you’ll fit right in.

Oxford Brookes

The university of choice for people who still want to give the impression they are studying at Oxford. With its much, much lower entry requirements you’ll find it no problem to get in. Just remember to omit ‘Brookes’ when friends and future employers ask you where you studied.

Friends who always cancel don't like you

FRIENDS who always cancel plans to go out do not like you and are not your friends, research has found.

The rise of ‘flaking’ or cancelling your attendance at a social occasion at the last minute has been blamed on career burnout, communications overload, and social fragmentation, but not its actual cause: your unpopularity.

Sociologist Dr Eleanor Shaw said: “Got those friends who always cancel? Wondering if the fetishisation of introversion in our digital society is the cause? Bet you are, loser.

“In situations like this we experts look at every possible reason, from the prioritisation of mental health to the demands of emotional labour, but at heart the problem is very simple. Nobody likes you. You’re annoying.

“That single explanation covers why your mate Cameron flaked on clubbing at the last minute last week, why your sister blew you out for New Year’s Eve, and why your best friend Alison didn’t even turn up for a quick coffee in Starbucks.

“Essentially they look at their phones, see you, they’re overwhelmed with a powerful need to avoid gazing at your slack face or hearing your whiny voice, and they cancel. Good news is, soon we’ll develop AI that will do it for them.”

Joe Turner of Oadby said: “Right. I suppose I knew that really.”