
Captain Tom's daughter sets up charity to help victims of Captain Tom Foundation

HANNAH Ingram-Moore has set up a charity to help innocent victims of buying Captain Tom cash-grab books filled with mawkish life lessons.

Man blames erectile dysfunction on 20mph speed limit

A MAN has told his wife he can no longer sustain an erection because of a prolonged period of driving below 20mph.

Why it's time for Millennials in Need, by Martin Bishop, aged 35

CHILDREN aren’t the only ones who have it tough, in fact us poor Millennials deserve your donations more. Here’s why.

Why the new presenter of Match of the Day, the head of the Anglican Church and the next James Bond must all be women

THE shortlists are being made for three of the top posts in England. And once again, we see a numbing litany of unqualified men.

The Le Creuset sale, and other middle-class riots waiting to happen

POLICE were called to a Le Creuset warehouse sale at the weekend as owners of Cockapoos threatened to turn tastefully ugly. These are the other riots waiting to happen.

Dogs hate Bonfire Night because they are Guy Fawkes loyalists

DOGS who shake their way through every November 5th are not afraid of fireworks but moved by a deep sense of injustice for the executed gunpowder plotters, it has emerged.

'I'm a virgin who lives with his parents so I'm better off': Winners and losers in yesterday's Budget

DEPENDING on how badly your life is going, yesterday’s Budget will affect you differently. Here are the winners and losers of Rachel Reeves’ decision to tax and spend.

Is Poppy Day disrespect starting too early nowadays? By Roy Hobbs

DON’T get me wrong, I love having some Poppy Day disrespect to moan about. But it’s getting earlier every year, and it doesn’t feel right calling someone a traitor in October.