
Why you don't want to be connected to the South anyway: A guide for Northerners

HIGH Speed 2 may never happen, but is that as bad as it sounds? Here’s why Northerners should be grateful not to be connected to the South.

Patriarchy collapses after teenage boy paints nails

THE social system which benefits men has come crashing down as a 15-year-old boy has decided to lacquer his nails with coloured varnish.

Nine things we wish you would stop doing, by a newborn

AS a newborn baby, there are many things you do that make me wish I was able to tell you you're an idiot. Like these.

Boomer couple downsizing to bigger house than you will ever own

A RETIRED couple have moved from their spacious five-bed family home to a modest little three-bed that is still far beyond your buying power.

New mum spends first night out hopelessly pissed and irrationally paranoid

A NEW mum who had been desperate to go out for months immediately got hammered and spent the whole evening fretting about her baby.

Man who says weed doesn't affect him oddly refusing to prove it

A MAN who is impervious to marijuana is strangely reluctant to give it another go.

Five surprising benefits of being an unlikeable twat

EVERYONE hates a disagreeable arsehole, but it’s far from all bad. These are the surprising benefits people rarely discuss.

Have you got an unhealthy cleaning obsession, ladies? Take my test, by a man

HEY ladies, are you unreasonably obsessed with domestic hygiene? Find out with this helpful test by me, a man.

Six things your neighbours know about you that you wish they didn't

PROXIMITY confers familiarity, which means your neighbours know things about you that even your closest friends don’t. They idly discuss the following foibles.

The parent's guide to giving up and just bribing your bastard kids

YOU once believed your kids would do what you asked without having to promise them all manner of shit first. Here’s what happens instead.