
Why forcing you to work in an underpaid job will solve everything, by Jeremy Hunt

WORRIED about rising bills and the lack of government support? Let me, Jeremy Hunt, explain why being made to toil away in an underpaid job will cure all your woes.

'You're so much better at presentations than I am': Six workplace acts of betrayal

OFFICES are snake pits of deceit and betrayal, where evil co-workers plot to make you do more work while they go for lunch early. Watch out for these devious ploys.

Five lame sickness excuses that clearly indicate you're hungover

PHONING in sick due to a heavy weeknight session? Try using one of these pathetic blags to camouflage your alcohol-induced misery.

Meetings cancelled at the last minute, and other career highs

REAL career highs are not promotions, successful initiatives or boosting the share price, but the buzz of a training course that finishes before lunch.

Six depressing reality checks from a single visit to LinkedIn

THE social media site of choice for arseholes, LinkedIn can induce unparalleled despair in just ten minutes. But what depressing truths lie in wait for you?

Five nightmare people to share your daily commute with

DOES your journey to work every day mean spending time with people you'd otherwise avoid like the plague? You’ll be familiar with these.

Office workers would get just as much done in a zero-day week

THE productivity of office workers would be unaffected if they went down to a zero-day week, it has been confirmed.

You don't see me striking, says man who can't

A MAN is claiming to be morally superior for not taking industrial action, neglecting to mention there is zero chance of his office going on strike. 

No more wank breaks: Six habits homeworkers will have to lose to return to the office

COMMERCIAL landlords are upset about homeworking, so do you face the grim prospect of returning to the office? Here are six habits you’ll have to lose first.

'I'm just off for a crap' and other things you can't say out loud at work

DO you spend your working day wishing you could say what’s on your mind? Here are six completely true statements it’s best to keep to yourself.