
Is your useless mate actually an undercover MI6 operative?

YOU think he’s lagging behind the rest of you, but is your useless mate Martin actually a covert MI6 agent? Here are six suspicious signs.

Man's satisfaction at finally sending email ruined by near-instant reply

A MAN’S joy at finally replying to and dismissing an email from a co-worker was ruined in moments when he received a reply.

Slackers, bastards and boring pricks: the colleagues everyone has over their career

NO matter what the field you work in, from architecture to zookeeping, you’ll work with arseholes. And they’ll fall into one of these six types.

Do you work in a toxic homeworking environment?

MILLIONS of Britons are still working from home, but are you trapped in a toxic workplace - in your own house? Here are some telltale signs it might be time to move on. 

Speedrunning Super Mario Odyssey, and other skills Gen Z can list on their CVs

NEW generations have unique skills to highlight on their CVs. Here James Bates, 17, who is living in his mum’s house while he looks for a job, advises on what will impress employers.

Child visiting parent's office given harrowing glimpse into their future

A TRIP to a father’s place of work has shown a young girl a terrifying taste of the mediocre existence she will have as an adult.

'If only there were more bank holidays', says man yet to realise he can pull a sickie whenever he wants

A MAN mourning the last of the summer bank holidays has not discovered he can make any weekend three days long simply by lying.

Gen Z retail worker requesting a mental health day in for big surprise

A 20-YEAR-OLD shop worker is sure his request for time out to aid his mental health will get a positive reaction from his managers.

Fire drills, and other brilliant disruptions to the office day

THERE’S nothing more magical than an unexpected event bringing your office to a standstill. Here are some distractions from work you pretend to hate but actual revel in.

Selfish Brits ruining economy by being paid enough to live

RISHI Sunak has criticised self-centred British wage earners for receiving pay rises sufficient to feed, clothe and house themselves.