
Woman realises her boyfriend is punching above his weight

A WOMAN has belatedly realised that she is way out of her boyfriend’s league.

Five things more romantic than buying a crappy Valentine's card from a garage

IF THE unspontaneous purchase of an overpriced Valentine’s card from the nearest convenient shop isn’t for you, try these ways of showing your partner you love them.

Impressing women by playing instrument does not apply to ukulele

MEN hoping to impress women by playing an instrument have been reminded it does not apply to the ukulele.

Five dates you shouldn't go out with for the sake of a shag

ARE you tempted to enter into an inadvisable relationship because you haven’t had sex for ages? Here are some dates who should be setting off alarm bells.

Should you prolong your doomed relationship until Valentine's Day?

YOU’RE in a doomed relationship and celebrating it next week would be a sick mockery of love. But should you stay in it for the chocolates? 

Man looking for 'emotionally intelligent' partner posts topless selfie on dating profile

A MAN who is looking for a woman with ‘emotional intelligence’ who ‘looks beyond the surface’ has chose a six-pack selfie for his dating profile.

Secret to female orgasm is 'doing stuff they actually like'

THE secret to the female orgasm is to just ask them what they actually like and then do it, researchers have found.

How to claw back your self-respect after you've drunk-texted your ex

DID you send your ex a text telling them you still ‘have feelings’ for them while blackout drunk? Here’s how to wriggle out of it.

Woman questions everything after seeing boyfriend without beard

A WOMAN who has been in a relationship with her boyfriend for six months is questioning everything after seeing him without a beard for the first time.

Church of England confirms sex is only for gay men

THE Church of England has stated that sexual intercourse belongs in unmarried male homosexual hook-ups only.