
Single man looking for woman who enjoys long video calls, sexting, and moving in together after a fortnight

A SINGLE man is looking for a partner who is open to an initially non-physical relationship, escalating dependency and living together within two weeks.

How to make sure you beat your best friend at finding romance

ARE you in a codependent female friendship and worried about which of you will meet someone first? Here are some ways to make sure you ‘win’.

Woman hopes husband will stop eating and die rather than chew so loudly

A WOMAN finds the noise of her husband chewing so annoying that she would quite like him to starve to death.

Self-styled 'Peter Pan' thinks it's attractive to women

A 34-YEAR-OLD man who says he 'never wants to grow up' believes it makes him sound appealing.

Man who criticises women for their size upset when they do it about his penis

A MAN who believes women are not attractive unless they are a certain size is distressed when they say the same thing about his penis.

Which idiotic romantic fantasy are you wasting your life on?

LOVE is blind, and stupid too if you’re lusting after people who are unavailable, inappropriate or straight-out idiots. Here’s how to snap yourself out of it.

Husband cleans own house and babysits own children as birthday gift to wife

IN an incredible act of generosity, a man has done some cleaning and babysitting for his wife’s 40th birthday present.

Woman avoiding holding husband's hand just in case

A WOMAN is secretly avoiding holding her husband’s hand in case he has not washed them properly.

Woman pre-annoyed about argument she'll have with her boyfriend later

A WOMAN is already furious about an argument she has not yet had with her boyfriend, she has confirmed.

Couple staying unhappily married to avoid dating apps

A COUPLE has decided to stay married despite not really liking one another because online dating looks horrendous.