
Woman trying to be kinky inserts finger in boyfriend's ear

A WOMAN has inserted her finger in her boyfriend's ear in a bid to be kinky.

Parents finally meet daughter's booty call

THE parents of a 26-year-old woman are excited to finally meet their daughter's casual sex partner.

Man using dating app acting like he has standards

A MAN has allowed his use of a dating app to convince himself that he has any standards whatsoever.

Man thinks it's cool to say his girlfriend lets him do things

A MAN is under the impression it is cool to pretend his girlfriend is the boss of him.

How to convince yourself someone fancies you

ARE you hoping a friend or colleague fancies you? Is the evidence flimsy, but open to interpretation? Talk yourself into it.

Every couple must be one morning person and one night owl

ALL couples must be made up of one person who springs out of bed at dawn and one that only properly wakes up at midnight, a survey has found.

Sex best time to compile mental to do list, say married couples

MARRIED couples have agreed that mid-sex is the best time to make a little list of everything that needs doing around the house.

How are you pretending to enjoy being single?

BEING single is apparently now ‘self-partnering’ and it’s empowering and cool. Here are some ways to pretend you’re thrilled to be alone.

Middle-aged man praised for having girlfriend in same age bracket

A 45-YEAR-OLD man has been congratulated for having a girlfriend born in the same decade as him.

Five times you don't have to hold hands, you loved-up twats

WE get it, you’re in love and want to hold hands - but do you have to block the pavements with your affection? Here are some situations where you should definitely desist.