
Exes' favourite time to chat is 10.55pm

BRITAIN’S ex-partners have confirmed that just before 11pm is the best time to discuss how their life is going.

Sex with an ex doesn't count, researchers confirm

NEW research has confirmed that sex with an ex-partner does not count as infidelity, a moral lapse or even sex.

Couple breaking up promise they will remain vague acquaintances

A COUPLE splitting up have sworn to each other that they will always remain vague acquaintances.

Girlfriend wants to see other people, tell everyone you're bad in bed, and see you die a horrible death

YOUR girlfriend has explained that she would like to see other people, reveal all your sexual secrets to the world, and see you die alone and unloved.

Husband's social life entirely outsourced to wife

A MAN has handed over complete control of his social life to his wife, she has complained.

A guide to hanging out with your partner's extremely attractive friend

ONE of the great joys of sharing your life with another is sharing their friendships, but when their friend is smokin’ hot it can cause difficulties. Follow these rules.

How to get through a date with someone who voted the other way in the referendum

YOU matched on Tinder but now you’ve brought up politics, and that was a fatal mistake. But how to get through the evening without fist-fighting in Café Rouge?

Man begins gruelling training programme to meet girlfriend's parents

A MAN has begun a punishing three-month training regimen to make him fit to meet his girlfriend’s parents for the first time.

Couple excited to finally go on holiday that will ruin their relationship

A COUPLE have unveiled plans for the long-awaited holiday which will inevitably put an end to their three year long relationship.

Couple spice up sex life by having sex

A COUPLE have decided to spice things up in the bedroom by having sex.