
Married couple who spontaneously had sex still reeling

A MARRIED couple who spontaneously had sex with each other cannot get over the shock.

Guardian blind date marred by working class person

THE Guardian’s latest Blind Date feature has been ruined by the inclusion of someone who is not a middle class tosser.

Parallel parking and four other shortcuts to a full blown argument

Being in a relationship is a delicate balance. There are good times, bad times and times when you’ll plunge into a blazing row in 30 seconds flat. Like these.

Five ways to to cope when someone you hate gets good news

HAS your nemesis just revealed they’ve been given an ample pay rise or tricked some hapless moron into marrying them? Put on a brave face with these coping strategies.

Grown man still refers to genitals as 'Mr Winky'

A WOMAN is exasperated by her husband's continued use of childish slang to refer to his genitals, despite being a 41-year-old chartered accountant.

Man finds 'the one' for the 18th time

A MAN believes he has found the only person in the world he is meant to be with for the 18th time, it has emerged.

Woman insists her favourite song is 'My Humps' just to troll her date

A WOMAN on a date enjoyed watching a man make the agonising choice between getting a shag and telling her she has shit taste in music.

Lord of the Flies, and four other state-of-the-art parenting styles

SMUG parenting blogs may be trying to persuade you to be a ‘hummingbird’ parent, but why not try these more natural styles instead?

How to look sad and desperate by shagging someone much younger

AS actor Dominic West has proved, having an affair with a woman 20 years younger than you has its risks. Follow these tips to come out of it with no dignity whatsoever.

Six relationship red flags and how to ignore them

EVERY bad relationship has telltale signs that it’s toxic, unhealthy and should end immediately. Here’s how to brush them aside.