
Locked-down students breaking up with long-distance partners at record rate

LOCKED-DOWN students are dumping their partners at home or other universities at the rate of one every 45 seconds, it has emerged. 

Young people have forgotten how to do sex

YOUNG people have spent so long not associating with each other that they no longer have the skills to perform sexual intercourse.

Six unconventional male sex fantasy figures

DO you have sex fantasies too embarrassing to admit even to yourself? Here are six blokes you’ve had unwelcome thoughts of shagging.

Man with long-winded explanation of why he's single just a twat

A MAN with a long, detailed explanation as to why he has chosen to be single is in fact just a bellend, it has emerged.

Is your ex toxic or just a wanker?

WHEN a relationship ends, it throws up questions about whether your ex was a toxic abusive manipulating gaslighter or a simple twat.

Parents keep posting photos of ugly baby

PARENTS of a newborn baby keep posting  images of it on social media even though it is incredibly ugly.

Woman gives birth in pub so her husband can be there

A NEW mum gave birth in her local pub so that her husband could see his baby being born.  

How to be into superheroes but still have sex with ladies

DO you know rather too much about superheroes, but also desire a sexual relationship with a real-life woman?

Why men and women can never be just friends, by a man who last had sex in 1997

TAKE it from me, a man who hasn’t got laid this millennium, it’s scientifically impossible for men and women to have platonic friendships and not have sex.

Female friendships 'exhausting', women confirm

WOMEN have agreed that friendship with other women is too stressful and plan to move to male-style friendships without any obligation for emotional support.