
The middle class teenager's guide to being a rebel

IF you have middle class parents who think they're a bit bohemian, rebelling can be hard. Here’s how to disappoint and worry your bourgeois mum and dad.

Man choosing underwear for girlfriend based on how much he fancies the models

A MAN is selecting a gift of underwear for his girlfriend based entirely on how fit he finds the women modelling it.

Woman marries stranger who told her she had a nice arse on Instagram

A WOMAN was so impressed when a random stranger on Instagram told her she had a ‘nice arse’ that she has decided to marry him.

The Conservative guide to socially-distanced sex

HAVING sex is largely irrelevant to the economy, so the government can impose restrictions without consequence. So we will.

Overconfident man not taking being dumped personally

A MAN blessed with excessive self-confidence has no idea that he has been dumped because of his awful personality.

Teenagers on awkward first dates back in the bowling alleys

TEENAGERS planning toe-curlingly awkward first dates with long-time crushes are thrilled that bowling alleys are open again.

Couple enter 'everything partner does is annoying' phase of relationship

A COUPLE have confirmed they have been together long enough to begin hating each other a bit.

Couple agree to ruin their weekend by visiting parents

A COUPLE have agreed to utterly write off Saturday and Sunday by grudgingly deciding to spend them with one set of their ageing parents.

The mum's guide to undermining your adult child's life choices

WISH your grown-up child had followed a different path? It’s never to late to offer subliminal negative guidance with our handy guide.

The middle class guide to dirty talk

JUST because you’re a nice middle class person it doesn’t mean you can’t talk dirty in the bedroom. Here sex columnist Donna Sheridan shares her tips.