
Tier One girl loves Tier Three boy

A PAIR of lovers born in different tiers are doomed never to be together, they have confirmed.

A guide to fancying someone way, way out of your league

HOT for someone you’ve got no chance with? Follow our simple guide to pining for that perfect ten.

Husband who says 'We're pregnant' forgetting whose genitals babies come out of

A MAN declaring 'We're pregnant' to family and friends appears to have forgotten that his wife is the person who will actually push the baby out through her genitals.

You would look so much more beautiful with make-up, woman tells man on date

A WOMAN has told her date that he could look so much better if he just put on a little make-up.

Why your partner is f**king wrong about the central heating

IS your partner insisting on turning on the central heating against your wishes? Here’s how to put them right about ‘being cold’.

The straight man's guide to telling other straight men you love them

DO you love your mates but feel unable to tell them in case they somehow think you’re less of a man? Here’s how to express your affection in a masculine way.

Dating 'fun' if you're a 10 and incredible in every way

SIFTING through the human population for a romantic partner is fun if you are physically attractive with an amazing personality, experts now believe.

The tactless questions to ask when your friend gets dumped

GOT a friend in tears because they’ve just been given the boot by their partner? Make it even worse with these probing and insensitive questions.

'OK' and four other text replies from dads

IT'S important nowadays to be able to communicate effectively with modern digital technology. Unless you're a dad. Here are some classic dad text replies:

Couple who have massive screaming rows believe it's healthy

A COUPLE who regularly have loud, angry arguments and scream 'I hate you' believe it is a sign of a healthy relationship.