
'Do you even f**king know me?' says dad who's opened DIY and race car-themed cards

A FATHER-OF-TWO who received motor racing and DIY-themed Father’s Day cards has asked his children if they even know who he f**king is.

Fathers looking forward to mothers finally getting off their arses this Sunday

THE nation’s fathers are looking forward to mothers stepping up and doing something for a change this Father’s Day.

Woman desperately wants you to notice her engagement ring

A WOMAN is going to extreme lengths to make people comment on the large gemstone on her finger, it has emerged.

Man meets date for socially distanced stroll in the park like a Jane Austen novel

A MAN meeting a date for a stately stroll around blooming gardens without touching at any point feels like Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, he has admitted.

Hot singles looking to join social bubbles in your area

ATTRACTIVE single people in your area desperately want to join your social bubble, adverts are claiming.

'Lockdown brought us closer', says one couple in whole UK

FOR a single married couple in the whole of Britain, enforced time at home together has not been a curse but a blessing.

Outraged parents didn't raise daughter to become woman with own opinions

A COUPLE do not know what they did wrong in raising their daughter for her to have opinions which diverge from their own.

How to have a doomed summer romance during lockdown

LOCKDOWN restrictions needn’t be the death knell for your misguided romantic endeavours. Enjoy some summer lovin’ that will leave you emotionally scarred with these tips.

Secret to happy marriage 'not being attractive to anyone else'

MOST successful marriages are the result of couples being so physically repulsive they do not have any other options, experts have confirmed.

Man ruins relationship by celebrating one month anniversary

A MAN has ended his new relationship by celebrating its one month anniversary, it has emerged.