
We won two World Wars just to let them take over our city centres: the gammon food critic visits a German Christmas market

CHURCHILL would be turning in his grave. We sent the Krauts packing and for what? To let them take over our city centres like Operation Overlord never happened?

Sex with a work colleague: the don'ts and seriously, don'ts

WHEN you’re feeling idealistic and seven sambucas down at the office party, workplace romance can seem less maniacal than all the evidence suggests.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

In the wild seals very rarely balance multicoloured balls on their noses. Once a week at most.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Lord of the Arseholes, Alan Sugar

WAKING in Kings College, Cambridge, it is a moving experience indeed to look on as the boy choristers shuffle in to the chapel ready for the annual service.

'Raab's no bully,' I told her. 'When he lifts me by my lapels, it's just to emphasise his point'

DOM? He’s a great guy. An action man. Gets things done. Now Gav’s gone, he’s the hardest dude I know. He only lifts me up so we can be at eye level.

Mash Blind Date: A 35-year-old woman and the dickhead she sadly knows she will settle for

DESPERATE Joanna Kramer, aged 35, has set her self-esteem aside to go on a date with useless prick Tom Booker, aged 38. Will it be a love for the ages?

Let's move to a soulless Midlands new town so f**ked up it has a 2023 calendar of Jack Grealish's legs! This week: Redditch

Sprawling lazily across the Worcestershire countryside like a stain on Britain’s trousers, Redditch is where to put down roots if you don't mind living with the low-life overspill even Birmingham couldn't tolerate.

My private islands ranked, by Sir Richard Branson

YOU’RE nobody on the billionaire scene if you’ve not got your own island. We all laugh at Elon Musk for not investing in an archipelago. Here are mine, from worst to best.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

‘I regret ever getting that parrot,’ your parrot says, mournfully.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the duplicitous idiocy of Sarah pissing Vine

WAKING in a skip on an industrial estate in what would appear to be Doncaster, bedded down in the broken glass of a gross or more of rum bottles, I sigh.