Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Do you think identical twins ever forget which one they are? They only both have to once.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Realistically, if you’ve got a back tattoo, you’ve got no idea what it’s of.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

Well if ‘vehicular manslaughter’ is a crime you might as well arrest me now.

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

Pull a sickie and go get a spray tan. Then come into work the next day and tearfully admit you weren’t actually ill, but holidaying in Fiji.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

You used to identify as a cat when you were at school. Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats!

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

Remember when the phone book would arrive and you’d look yourself up? There, that’s your momentary dose of spirit-lifting nostalgia for your fondly-remembered childhood. Back to work.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

Parking in your town centre would be a lot easier if they demolished all the stupid amenities. Then you wouldn’t even have to go into town in the first place.

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

The Woke Blob could make a good film though, if Boris is up for straight-to-streaming action movies.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

It’s nice that old-fashioned baby names are back in and someday old folks’ homes will be full of Ediths and Enids again. Once all the Kaydens die.

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Cricketer Nathan Lyon is called The Goat because in 2009 he ate a shirt off a washing line.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

When it comes down to it the best technology probably is bridges.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

As a Pisces you’re a dreamer, a fantasist, with a powerful imagination. Best wanks in the Zodiac, for real.

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The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the Glastonbury Festival of the Performing Arseholes

WAKING with an unaccountable throbbing of the temples, I recall being invited by the makers of my favourite premium rum to participate in an advertisement for their product. 

The commercial would be aimed at the Japanese market and out of reverence for my station, they asked if I might come up with an appropriate storyboard.

After mindful reflection and prayer, I suggested that, fortified by a bottle of their liquor drained in one, I tear off my cassock to reveal myself naked and ripped save a loincloth, wielding a hunting knife as long and broad as my torso.

Inhaling a second bottle of their signature 23-year aged reserve, I wrestle with Godzilla who is rampaging through Tokyo as is his wont, before slitting his throat. ‘The power of the holy spirit’, runs the caption.

Predictably the advertisement is a great success and makes me a cult hero in the Far East, though my ecclesiastical status in England is uncompromised since the campaign is unseen outside Japan.

Sending a healthy six-figure royalty cheque to the bank, I take a light breakfast and peruse a periodical where I read that Edwina Currie told those complaining about mortgage rates that when they were 16 per cent ‘Home ownership rocketed but we survived’ she tweeted.

Roast my fucking arse over the burning flatulence of Billy Bragg, did your fingers think to run this by Mr Brain upstairs before tapping out and sending it into the world like a flightless bird from a high tower? Sure you paid 16 per cent back in the 1980s or whenever – 16 per cent of fuck all! You couldn’t get a fucking septic tank in Dewsbury nowadays for what you paid for your first place! No generation had it as soft as yours and it had fuck all to do with avocado-dodging, you smug cunt!

A poll shows that the number of Leave voters who still think it was right to leave the European Union stands at 18 per cent.

You could look at this and think, ‘Well, at last the penny’s dropping with the ruinous hordes of jingoistic, cementheaded fuckwits who voted like braindead lemmings, now that they’ve only got about a penny left in their pockets’. Or you could look at it the other fucking way and rip your nipples off in despair that even now, with the economy burning like a pile of old tyres, there are twats still gammon enough to insist things are going well! Still, fuck the 82 per cent that have changed their mind, eh?  Come on the Mail, Express, Telegraph, Sun, the BBC, and the brickshitting political parties – let’s carry on pandering to that fucking 18 per cent, you know it makes sense!

And Just Like That… the revival of Sex and the City has entered its second season to mixed reviews.

Jesus to fuck, I don’t fucking care how gay you are, keep a pile of rocks at hand when you’re watching this unfettered shit blancmange because you’re gonna be hurling them at the screen from the get-go! It was bad enough watching this emaciated, solipsistic gaggle of featherheads poncing round Manhattan the first time round! It’s now fucking 2023 and we need this sort of supremely irrelevant cathode goop like we need an imaginary slice of cake from Marie Antoinette! Get in the fucking Hudson river and take your whimsical plots about penis pumps with you!

Finally, this weekend sees Glastonbury in full swing, with festivalgoers braving adverse weather to see some of the biggest and brightest stars of rock and pop music come out to shine.

Holy cocksucking Casper, have you seen the line-up? About as much radicalism and edge as a Lancashire brass band contest! Guns N’ Roses? Come to entertain us with some of your old-time racist ballads, have you? Rick Astley? Fuck’s sake, talk about the Tom Jones Revival Award for extended a fucking 30 second joke into a ten-year career extension! Yusuf stroke Cat Stevens? The cheerleader for killing Salman Rushdie? I hope it pisses down, I hope a tornado blows the fucking pyramid stage off its moorings and away into a neighbouring fucking county, and I hope that’s followed by ten inches of snow!