
The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the twatting Tories' anti-strike laws

WAKING in a police cell, my left sock pulled over my head for some unfathomable reason, I am brusquely informed through the bars that I am being held on a string of charges.

Sushi, sashimi, excuse me if they're bloody different: the gammon food critic goes Japanese

I’M going healthy in 2023. Got to. The doctor’s been unequivocal about it. So I’m only smoking in the pub, I’m cutting the pub to five nights a week, and I’m eating Japanese.

My five promises to the UK are - 'Five promises, five pledges, you are such a Blair fanboy,' my wife interrupts

THEY weren’t five pledges. They were five promises, which is different. ‘Oh my God,’ my wife says, ‘even Liam Gallagher is not as nostalgic for 1997.’

Let's move to a picturesque riverside city that spends winter submerged and uninhabitable! This week: Worcester

A tiny city with an incongruously massive cathedral, Worcester is popular with anglers, canoeists, and fans of seasonal flooding you could set your f**king watch to.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's review of the shitshow year

WAKING in the basket of a hot air balloon, a pastime I enjoy at years’ end combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, I realise that the balloon is descending rapidly.

What did I first notice about my beautiful multi-millionaire wife? Her smile

PEOPLE ask me, ‘Rishi, how did you and Akshata meet?’ and it is a lovely, romantic, relatable story about two ordinary people, one of whom is a multi-millionaire.

Kinky Christmas sex presents you'll both pretend you never bought each other

WHO’S naughty? Who’s nice? Whose relationship has become nothing but boringly nice when it used to be spiritedly naughty?

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... that flaccid cock Clarkson

WAKING in some sort of a manger I am aware of the presence of livestock, and three crowned figures stepping forward, bearing scented gifts.

Six places I've been recognised naked, by Martin Lewis CBE

BEING Britain’s leading money saving expert isn’t easy, especially when you’re always getting recognised while stark bollock naked. It’s happened six times.

Six ways to look like a twat in… a Christmas jumper

CHRISTMAS jumpers are the height of anti-fashion, but have you wrung every twattish drop from yours or is a rival the bellend of the Yuletide ball?