Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

They say it’s always the one you least suspect. So it looks like the BBC photos scandal presenter is Konnie Huq.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Your neighbour says they’re just knotholes that occur naturally in wooden fences. But you know a glory hole when you see one.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

You’re single and ready to mingle! You’d have thought your spouse would have found a more tactful way of saying they’re leaving you after 17 years of marriage.

Leo, July 22rd–August 22nd

Why would Americans have passports when they can have sunshine and beaches without one? D’you think Brits go to Spain to check out the Moorish architecture?

Cancer, June 23nd–July 22nd

If extraterrestrials are so interested in anal probes, why don’t they just ask Prince William?

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

How deluded does a man have to be to decide he deserves a threesome? Looking down at his cock thinking, ‘This is too big a job for one woman. We need backup.’

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

Don’t get too upset about Romeo and Juliet dying. They’d be dead by now anyway. 

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 21st

As a Scorpio, you share your star sign with Jimmy Savile. Keep quiet about that, don’t you?

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

Not all those who wander are lost. Your neighbour’s cat knows exactly where it is when it has a shit in your herb garden. 

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Why do they say horsing around? Are horses known to fuck about? ‘Horseplay’ sounds pretty dodgy too.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Brighten up airport security’s day by spelling out ‘BELLEND’ in tin foil in your suitcase. They’ll probably get into the spirit of things by giving you a hilarious cavity search.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

The origin of the phrase ‘Freeze the balls off a brass monkey’ is hotly disputed. It actually refers to a metal statue of Monkey star Masaaki Sakai in his home city of Tokyo, which was hit by a tanker carrying liquid nitrogen and subsequently ‘castrated’. So now you know.

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The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Robert Jenrick's new low in Satanic fucking scumsucking

WAKING up with just the faintest hint of a morning head, I sweep aside the array of empty rum bottles on my bed and reach for my mobile telephone. Clicking on ‘Twitter’, I notice that I am, to use the parlance, ‘trending’.

‘Archbishop Of Canterbury – email’ it reads on the right-hand side in bold. I click on the email in question. It details a series of unspeakable acts, perpetrated by myself, involving farm animals, both dead and alive, ladies’ lingerie and a bicycle pump. It’s to be remembered that when these acts took place I was a young man of just 47.

There was a time, perhaps only 20 years ago, when such a revelation would have led to my dismissal. England, however, is rather a strange place nowadays. With the incident already water under the bridge, I take breakfast and peruse a periodical. Immigration minister Robert Jenrick has ordered children’s artwork designed to put youngsters at ease at an asylum centre to be painted over as it is a ‘law enforcement environment’.

Flay my fucking shrivelled gonads, the Tories have always been a nasty brigade of scumsucking cunts, but you, Jenrick, take the scumsucking to a new Satanic low! You’re gonna enforce law on traumatised five-year-olds? To pander to the worst smallminded racist fucking Daily Mail readers? The fucking Tories need to be buried in a lead coffin ten feet underground with a gravestone fashioned from fossilised rhinoceros shit reading ‘FUCK OFF FOREVER YOU PARASITIC, SADISTIC, FASCIST TWATS!’ 

It seems that following a series of mishaps on Twitter by Elon Musk, his fellow billionaire Mark Zuckerberg has created an alternative social media site, Threads, which has already attracted a considerable number of subscribers.

Yeah, fucking great. Threads. I love the fucking feelgood 1980s nuclear annihilation scenario you went for there, Zuckerberg. I had a look at it. No fucking thanks! It’s basically fucking Instagram wearing a false nose and glasses! Jesus H Cock, is this the fucking choice we have these days? From Twitter to Threads? Musk to Zuckerberg? Out of the frying cunt and into the cunt? I might go back to scribbling swearwords on bits of paper, folding them into planes and throwing them out the fucking window!

Conservative MP Johnny Mercer made a somewhat emotional appearance on Question Time this week, which was not uniformly well-received. 

Fuck sake, did you see the state of this grinning, incoherent fucking shithead? What was he knocking back in the green room and how fucking much? The Tories know they’re fucked, so they don’t even bother with the basics of respectability these days! They’ll be wandering round Westminster with no fucking trousers on in a few months!

Finally, former Southampton Town footballer turned Sky pundit Matthew Le Tissier has opined on Twitter as follows: ‘The time to speak is now. A communist takeover is slyly being implemented, they’re very clever but they don’t fool everyone. Good will triumph over evil.’

Good to see that divot of a fucking brain of yours is functioning as highly as ever. I think we can all agree that apart from violent, rampaging transsexuals, communists are the biggest fucking danger facing Britain today! Murdoch, big business, the super-rich, property developers – all quaking in their fucking boots! How are the fucking communists going to take over, eh? Shrink themselves to sub-atomic size and smuggle themselves into Covid boosters and mind-control you from inside? I wish there was a communist takeover and their first act was to pitchfork stupid cunts like you into the fucking sea!