Seven fun ways to pressure your husband into having a vasectomy, with the Mash sex columnist

WANT to rawdog without the health risk of taking the pill or the greater health risk of childbirth? Then it’s time for him to step up and get neutered. 

Though don’t use that phrase, perpetuate the cruel lie that it isn’t painful, and pressure him into it as you would any mundane chore like the bins. Except it’s his scrotum being sliced by a scalpel. Use these fun and effective methods:

Quit contraception

Drop the pill, place your coil on the mantelpiece, let the children play with your diaphragm in the bath. Make it perfectly clear that him coming in you is a terrible risk and no, that doesn’t mean he can feel free to come on you. It’s like Russian roulette without the happy ending of eternal peace. He’ll crack.

Make unrealistic promises

Even more of the carrot if he’ll only lightly mutilate his stick: offer rewards like bottomless fellatio, a foursome with your two hottest mates, a get-out-of-cunnilingus-free card, all the good stuff. He knows it’s a lie, you know it’s a lie, his naive, trusting penis will fall for it only to be betrayed the minute it’s out of the operating theatre.

Book him in

With the busy lives we lead, half the battle is getting around to booking the appointment, right? It’s on the to-do list but he never quite manages? If that’s what’s holding him back, present him with a date and time. Chances are he’d rather have a pair of scissors rammed up his urethra – the official procedure – than faff around calling up to cancel.

Host a party

Plan a Snip Barbecue on the day of the appointment and invite everyone you know. Disappointing you is easy; disappointing, his friends, work colleagues and Linda from next door is quite another. Plus nothing’s quite so bad when there’s a chargrilled chicken leg on the other side and having your junk lasered like James Bond – the official procedure – is no exception.

Get all his mates to do it

Go through his phone and use the technique of unrealistic promises above, ie tell them you’ll fuck them, to persuade all his mates to have vasectomies. He’ll feel like a total loser when he’s the only one on the Whatsapp Footie group who’s not firing blanks.

Refuse sex

Every day he refuses to voluntarily opt to have his balls sawn open and TNT placed inside – the official procedure – you take another sex act off the table. By the time you’re down to holding hands as you sit four feet apart on the sofa, he’ll surely crack.

Call him a pussy

A bit of classic playground bullying never missed the mark. If he doesn’t react to the name-calling, try throwing his lunch up a tree or following him around at work muttering ‘snippy snippy snip snip’. Eventually it’s simpler to get his cock done.

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Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

They say it’s always the one you least suspect. So it looks like the BBC photos scandal presenter is Konnie Huq.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

Your neighbour says they’re just knotholes that occur naturally in wooden fences. But you know a glory hole when you see one.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

You’re single and ready to mingle! You’d have thought your spouse would have found a more tactful way of saying they’re leaving you after 17 years of marriage.

Leo, July 22rd–August 22nd

Why would Americans have passports when they can have sunshine and beaches without one? D’you think Brits go to Spain to check out the Moorish architecture?

Cancer, June 23nd–July 22nd

If extraterrestrials are so interested in anal probes, why don’t they just ask Prince William?

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

How deluded does a man have to be to decide he deserves a threesome? Looking down at his cock thinking, ‘This is too big a job for one woman. We need backup.’

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

Don’t get too upset about Romeo and Juliet dying. They’d be dead by now anyway. 

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 21st

As a Scorpio, you share your star sign with Jimmy Savile. Keep quiet about that, don’t you?

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

Not all those who wander are lost. Your neighbour’s cat knows exactly where it is when it has a shit in your herb garden. 

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Why do they say horsing around? Are horses known to fuck about? ‘Horseplay’ sounds pretty dodgy too.

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Brighten up airport security’s day by spelling out ‘BELLEND’ in tin foil in your suitcase. They’ll probably get into the spirit of things by giving you a hilarious cavity search.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

The origin of the phrase ‘Freeze the balls off a brass monkey’ is hotly disputed. It actually refers to a metal statue of Monkey star Masaaki Sakai in his home city of Tokyo, which was hit by a tanker carrying liquid nitrogen and subsequently ‘castrated’. So now you know.