Science & Technology

Woman asks for sample of sperm donor's grammar

A WOMAN using a sperm bank to conceive wants potential donors to provide a grammar sample.

Research on childrens' screen time funded by shady wooden-toy conglomerates

RESEARCH recommending limiting childrens’ screen time is paid for by manufacturers of traditional wooden rocking horses and pull-along ducks, it has emerged.

Woman with Huawei phone kicked out of WhatsApp group

A WOMAN with a Huawei P30 phone has been kicked out of her friends’ WhatsApp group as a possible security risk.

Period-tracking app lets boyfriend know when he will be a selfish arsehole

AN APP which tracks his partner’s menstrual cycle is helping a man predict when he will be an insensitive dick who thinks only of himself.

People who post 'going' on Facebook events then don't to face prison

PEOPLE who claim they are going to Facebook events then do not are scum who should face stiff penalties, it has been decided.

Dashboard warning light ignored for second year

A WARNING light on a car’s dashboard has now been safely ignored for two whole years, its owner has confirmed.

Angry greased python easier to dress than toddler

PUTTING clothes on a toddler is more difficult than putting them on a large slippery snake, experts have confirmed.

45-year-old man pretending not to understand modern things

A MIDDLE-AGED man is, for reasons best known to himself, pretending not to be familiar with much of the modern world.

The mum's guide to humiliating your children on Facebook

ARE you a mum who loves posting stuff about your grown-up kids on Facebook even if they hate it? Here’s how to subject them to maximum embarrassment.

BMW drivers facing speed limiters promise they'll still be wankers

BMW drivers have assured the public that speed limiting technology will not stop them being tossers on the roads.