Science & Technology

Scientists discover beer tastes 97 per cent better on a train

BEER tastes incredible if you drink it on a train, it has emerged.

Woman believes 83 Facebook friends actually give a toss about her birthday

A WOMAN has convinced herself that all the 83 friends who wished her a happy birthday on Facebook really mean it.  

Horrifically tedious WhatsApp group rises from the dead

A WHATSAPP group has come back from the dead, spreading fear and nausea among 17 people.

Last person who isn't a recruitment tosser leaves LinkedIn

THE last person with a normal job has finally given up on the social network LinkedIn, it has emerged.

Your parents may have heard you say 'oh f**k, not them' on FaceTime

APPLE has emailed millions of customers to warn that their parents have heard them say ‘oh fuck, not them again’ over FaceTime.

Biggest threat to communities 'is Facebook community groups'

MILLIONS of Britons are living in fear of their neighbours after finding out how fucking weird they are on community Facebook groups.

Airport worker almost forgets to add the chemtrails

A MAN who refuels commercial jets has admitted he almost forgot to add the mind controlling chemicals.

Twitter storm of f**k all interest to any normal person enters sixth day

A ROW about an obscure thing normal people do not care about has been raging in the Twittersphere for almost a week.

Giving kids screen time less harmful than putting up with their shit, agree parents

PARENTS have agreed that giving children screen time is less harmful than having to interact with them.

Uncle test-flying nephew's Christmas present in deep shit

AN uncle who gave his nephew’s Christmas drone a sneaky test flight is worried he might not get it back without complications.