
Six pick-up lines to guarantee you'll be wanking alone by midnight

LOOKING to get lucky? Hoping you can do it by learning a few scripted lines, like a call-centre customer adviser of love?

Eyelashes and other shit that people adorn their cars with

PERSONALISING your car is a brilliant way of warning other road users there’s a twat about so keep a good distance.

The ability to fall asleep instantly, and other annoying as f**k bedtime habits your partner has

DOES your partner drift off instantly while you lie awake for hours? You might recognise these other irritating bedtime habits.

The Northern Lights, and other bucket list goals that aren't worth the trouble

WANT to tick one of these goals off your bucket list? Just do the tick and not the thing, because it's shit:

How adults obsessed with getting kids off screens wasted their childhoods

PARENTS always want their kids to stop looking at screens and do something more worthwhile. But what kind of mind-numbing activities did you waste your own childhood on?

Going on a big shop with your mum, and other things teens never do on screen

MOVIES believe that being a teenager is romance, rebellion and rites of passage, forgetting that it’s mostly time pissed away on this crap.

Five little wins for sad, single blokes

ARE you a single man living out his years in grim solitude? Here are five tiny victories that come with being left on the shelf.

Five Sunday chores that make you long to be back at work

THE so-called 'day of rest' is actually the day of tedious chores, including these five tasks that make you yearn for the punishment of the daily grind.

Five baby things you spent a bloody fortune on that your child won't even remember

HAVING a child famously costs an absolute packet. Here are five eye-wateringly expensive purchases the ungrateful little shit won’t ever know you made.

The first snowdrops, and other things twee wankers get excited about

KNOW someone who thinks spring is here because they’ve seen one snowdrop? They’re probably excited about all this nonsense too: