
The middle class man's guide to awkwardly visiting the tip

A TRIP to the tip is a deadly minefield of stress and potential embarrassment for the sensitive Guardian-reading male. Here’s how to bluff your way through it like a blokey bloke.

Northerner bemoans 15-minute commute

A NORTHERN man is feeling hard done by because of an intolerable quarter-hour daily commute.

Wearing a baby carrier and saying 'We're pregnant': Five traits of wanky modern dads

MEN used to be in the pub when their kids were born, greet them with a firm handshake, then ignore them until they could kick a football. But modern dads are different. Like this.

Sea monkeys, and other pets you sincerely wished would die

REMEMBER when you asked for a dog and your parents palmed you off with one of these substandard substitutes, all worse than nothing?

Holidaying couple hoping their dog will forgive them

A COUPLE have spent the majority of their holiday fretting about their dog’s mood after abandoning him to kennels.

Woman's day one long guilty pleasure

A WOMAN believes her daily struggle means she is allowed occasional naughty indulgences approximately from dawn until dusk.

Shoe, Prosecco or willy joke: The six types of birthday card for women

DESPITE it being 2023 there are barely any birthday cards for women which aren’t pink and don’t set feminism back by a decade. Like these.

Fish pedicures, and other stuff that vanished without you noticing

FISH pedicures were everywhere, until they vanished so thoroughly you feel crazy for insisting they existed. Along with these former commonplaces.

Mum who stayed at home to watch her children grow up not enthused so far

A WOMAN who quit her job so she ‘wouldn’t miss a moment’ of her children growing up has observed that most of those moments appear to be incredibly tedious.

Seven unexpected things guaranteed to put you off wanking

LIFE is hard, but you can always rely on a wank. Or can you? These deeply unerotic intrusions will bring an end to solitary sex quicker than you can type ‘weird hentai porn’.