
Why you're a weird, socially-dysfunctional Christmas guest. By your in-laws

WE’RE not the ones who ruin Christmas with our weird behaviour and by being out-of-touch dinosaurs - you’re the problem. Here’s why.

Christmas carols, ranked by how many lines you know before tailing off

WE love them and know them, or at least a few lines before going blank. Here are Christmas carols rated by how many lines you can sing, from least to most.

Why people today don't deserve a merry Christmas. By the Daily Telegraph

THIS week I witnessed a disturbing scene. A young woman handed a small gift-wrapped parcel to another. ‘Merry Christmas, Suze!’ she said. ‘Thanks Emma!’ came the reply. I felt sick to the stomach.

How to harshly judge a new friend based entirely on their Christmas tree

BEEN invited for a Christmas drink at a new friend’s house? Here’s how to make sweeping judgements about their class and taste based entirely on their Christmas tree.

Twat colleague comes to pub

OFFICE workers heading out to get pissed after finishing for Christmas are distraught that a tedious prick of a colleague has decided to join them.

Pint, fight, pint pint fight: How to have a traditional Black Eye Friday

IT’S the most aggressive day of the year, but how do you have a traditional Black Eye Friday that’s both violent and festive? Here’s a guide to this magical drunken event.

Mum buys sequinned outfit to wear to living room

A RETIRED mum has bought a brand-new shiny outfit for the grand occasion of sitting in her own living room.

We will transport you to your family or a family of equivalent value, promises Network Rail

NETWORK Rail has promised all rail passengers they will be taken to their family, or a family of equivalent value, before Christmas Eve.

UK starting to feel the pressure of crispy roast potatoes

WITH just three days until Christmas dinner, Britons are starting to crack under the pressure of being expected to make perfect crispy roast potatoes.

Everyone planning to set off a bit early for Christmas to avoid traffic

EVERY single person is planning to set off a day early for Christmas in order to avoid heavy traffic, it has emerged.