
Gran still believes a fiver is a decent gift

A BRITISH grandmother remains convinced that £5 is still a reasonable Christmas gift for her adult grandchildren.

'Well they're not social distancing' says dad during every Christmas film

A DAD has decided to make comments about recent public health regulations during every Christmas movie.

'Aren't headphones small now?' and four other inevitable Christmas chats

PAINFUL Christmas conversations with your relatives are a fine Christmas tradition. Brace yourself for these topics that will inevitably come up.

How to prepare a Boxing Day meal of leftover shit

BOXING Day meals don’t have to live up to any expectations because they’re made entirely from uneaten scraps. Here’s how to prepare one.

Kid leaves out sherry and mince pies for Jeff Bezos

A CHILD has left out a plate of mince pies and a glass of sherry for the bringer of Christmas presents, Jeff Bezos.

How to endure Christmas Day with your f**king family

IF you’re spending Christmas with your family you’ll likely go insane with irritation in minutes. Here’s how to endure a long day in their company.

Your guide to having a slightly rubbish 1980s Christmas

NOSTALGIC for the Christmas of your childhood? Here’s how to recreate your limited entertainment options and other disappointments of the era.

32-year-old man secretly hoping The Snowman ends differently this time

A GROWN man watching The Snowman for the millionth time has got his fingers crossed for a happy ending.

How to pretend you're gutted about not seeing family this Christmas

ARE you thrilled that the pandemic has got you out of spending Christmas with your family but don't want to look like a heartless bastard? Here's how to pretend you're incredibly sad about it.

Britain divided between people who hate family Christmases and idiots

THE UK is divided 50-50 between people who would prefer to spend Christmas day alone or with trusted friends, and idiots who thrive on the stress the day brings.