
Old work colleagues meet to trash old work colleagues

A GROUP of ex-colleagues has met up to compare notes about the dire fates they hope have befallen the worst people from their old company.

Woman who tells everyone to 'grow up' sounds like a teenager

A WOMAN too immature to ever win arguments simply tells everyone they need to ‘grow up’, friends have confirmed.

Everyone in office meeting has their arms folded

EVERYONE at an office meeting has their arms folded and is refusing to meet anyone else’s eye, it has emerged.

Grown man still thinks he should be enjoying his job

A MAN has reached the age of 34 still naively believing that his job should be something he enjoys.

Holiday treats to buy for your office that say 'I hate you all'

DO you feel obliged to buy treats for your colleagues when returning from holiday even though you hate their stupid faces? Here’s what to get them.

Five excellent Friday timewasting tips

IT’S the last day of a gruelling week and you’re not doing any work as a point of principle, but the day is crawling by. Try these timewasting tips to make the day go faster.

How to be incredibly annoying at work

DO you like pissing off colleagues with your incredibly annoying personal habits? Here are some great ones to try - if you haven’t already!

Are you suffering from imposter syndrome or are you genuinely shit?

DO YOU feel like you’ve fluked your way into your current position, aren’t up to it, and are terrified of being found out?

Are you sexually promiscuous enough at work?

ARE you worried that you’ve slept with less than half of your office, and it’s affecting your reputation and career prospects?

How to know when to give the f**k up on something

DO YOU, like Theresa May bringing her Brexit deal back for a fourth time, not know how to stop flogging a dead horse?