
45p rate 10% more avoidable, say experts

THE new 45p tax rate is 10 percent easier to avoid than the 50p rate, experts have confirmed.

Waterman sparks debate about how Minder was actually shit

DENNIS Waterman has provoked a furious debate about exactly how shit Minder actually was.

Television now like books

TELEVISED entertainment is mostly for clever people and snobs, it has been claimed.

Tax statements to be tailored to your idiotic, tribal prejudice

TAXPAYERS are to receive a detailed breakdown of how their money was spent that is indvidually tailored to their cretinous world view.

Olympics to feature 24-hour Sunday looting

SHOPS will be available for looting during the Olympics 24 hours a day, including Sundays.

Man bored of leading thing that doesn't matter

A MAN who led a thing that doesn't matter for 10 years has become bored of it.

Mother's unconditional love means you don't need to get her anything good

YOUR mother's love for you is unbreakable and so you do not have to spend a lot this Sunday, experts have confirmed.

Why I am leaving the Empire, by Darth Vader

TODAY is my last day at the Empire.

Britain backs CS gas for queues of more than two people

IF there are more than two people in a queue, tear gas should be used without mercy, according to a new report.

Crosses 'help explain why someone is dreadful'

RELIGIOUS symbols in the workplace can help colleagues and customers understand ghastliness, according to new research.