THE new 45p tax rate is 10 percent easier to avoid than the 50p rate, experts have confirmed.
DENNIS Waterman has provoked a furious debate about exactly how shit Minder actually was.
TELEVISED entertainment is mostly for clever people and snobs, it has been claimed.
TAXPAYERS are to receive a detailed breakdown of how their money was spent that is indvidually tailored to their cretinous world view.
SHOPS will be available for looting during the Olympics 24 hours a day, including Sundays.
A MAN who led a thing that doesn't matter for 10 years has become bored of it.
YOUR mother's love for you is unbreakable and so you do not have to spend a lot this Sunday, experts have confirmed.
TODAY is my last day at the Empire.
IF there are more than two people in a queue, tear gas should be used without mercy, according to a new report.
RELIGIOUS symbols in the workplace can help colleagues and customers understand ghastliness, according to new research.