Man uses mindfulness to accept he is a twat

A MAN has confirmed that mindfulness has helped him calmly acknowledge and accept his own twattishness. 

Brand consultant Joseph Turner believes that only by meditating on his own feelings, without judging them right or wrong, could he come to terms with what an absolute twat he really is.

He admitted: “At first I was doubtful, because mindfulness is so twatty to begin with and I’d been avoiding anything like that in denial of my nature.

“But when I sat down and really paid attention to the present moment, allowing myself to feel my superiority over my brother-in-law because my trainers are a more limited edition  than his, something changed in me.

“I could stand back and see the pattern of my thoughts – choosing a different coffee every day to confuse the intern, mobile conversations on the train about my safari holiday, my love of Chris Moyles – and suddenly it was so clear.

“I am a twat, and I don’t need to be ashamed of it any longer.

“I practice mindfulness once every day now, always making sure to tell everyone about it beforehand. If anything I’m getting even twattier.”

If there was one 'weird trick' to weight loss we would tell you, confirm doctors

DOCTORS have clarified that if there was ‘one weird trick’ to weight loss they would not hate it and would definitely tell you.

GPs stressed that, contrary to internet advertisements, they are not prone to irrational loathing of anyone offering successful weight-loss solutions.

Dr Helen Archer said: “Oddly enough, when I tell every bloody patient I see to lose weight it’s because I want them to lose weight.

“It would make my job at least 50 per cent easier, so I promise you I’m not keeping any ‘secrets’.

“There is no, repeat no, wide-ranging conspiracy among the medical profession to stop you losing weight. Very much the reverse.”

Roy Hobbs, from Stevenage, said: “They say that, but then all they recommend is diet and exercise and everyone knows they don’t work.

“Doctors are full of hate. I see it in their eyes.”