Science & Technology

Double Gloucester wins Nobel Prize for Cheese

BRITAIN’S Double Gloucester has won the highest accolade in the world of coagulated milk protein.

Eye contact now considered a threat

THE popularity of smartphones and tablet devices means that looking at someone during a conversation is asking for a fight.

Playing Xbox on YouTube now leading UK industry

THE British economy is now completely dependent on 19-year-olds playing and narrating computer games.

Parallel universe Brian Coxes are cooler and more famous

THE Brian Cox of Earth-161 has confirmed that the multiverse is real and our Brian Cox is a loser.

iPhone 6 owners not emotionally robust enough to withstand dropping it

OWNERS of Apple’s latest smartphone are likely to break down if it falls on the floor, it has been claimed.

NASA to send silverback gorillas into space

AMERICA'S new series of space missions will be manned by silverback gorillas.

Internet argument won by making things up

INTERNET debates can be won by simply inventing evidence, it has been confirmed.

Microsoft buys Minecraft to find out what it is

MICROSOFT has paid $2.5 billion for computer game Minecraft to see what it does.

Line for Apple Watch girdles Earth

THE queue for the new Apple Watch has already circled the entire globe once and is still growing.

Telepathy ‘would be total nightmare’

TELEPATHY would be a huge step forward in human evolution and also an absolute nightmare, scientists have confirmed.