
Ex-boyfriend's voicemail more emotionally supportive than he ever was

A WOMAN calling her ex-boyfriend’s voicemail up to 18 times a day admits it is more understanding than he ever was.

Man interested in open relationship can't even cope with sharing his crisps

A MAN who thinks it would be cool to have a ‘polyamorous’ relationship gets jealous and possessive when asked to share his crisps.

Nerd boyfriend would be great if he wasn't so f**king nerdy

A WOMAN has told friends that her new nerd boyfriend would be perfect if he could stop being such a total nerd.

Woman has decent sex on one-night stand

A WOMAN has been left stunned by a one-night stand that was not a complete sexual disaster, she has confessed.

Heroic dog saves woman from drunk-dialling her ex

A DOG has been honoured for heroically saving a woman from phoning her ex-boyfriend while wasted.

Man accepts that wife losing favourite top is his fault 

A HUSBAND has accepted full blame for his wife losing her favourite top, he has confirmed.

Man 'wins argument' by pointing out tiny mispronunciation in girlfriend's sentence

A MAN has thoroughly proved his point by abandoning his argument and highlighting a small error in his girlfriend's pronunciation.

Single man mourns washing up sponge

A SINGLE man has spent the weekend mourning his washing up sponge.

Woman refuses to kiss husband because two days ago he touched bin juice

A WOMAN has banned all physical contact with her husband because he got bin juice on him 48 hours ago.

Why asking me to be your bridesmaid at the age of 38 will end our friendship

IT’S not my fault you’re getting married. I don’t see why I should be punished.