
The messy bastard's guide to leaving everywhere a total shit tip

THINK how easy life would be if you didn’t feel the need to be even slightly tidy. Nikki Hollis, who ‘doesn’t see mess’, explains how to achieve this state of nirvana.

The Famous Five's summer holidays vs your childhood summer holidays

RAISED on the Famous Five’s long summers of sunshine, mouthwatering picnics and foiling a smuggling ring? How did it compare to your miserable reality?

'You'll catch more flies with Manuka than balsamic': five phrases made middle-class

BETTER than everyone else, but still using their grubby tradesmen’s idioms? Indulge in these middle-class rewrites instead.

Dad on family day out concerned he hasn't paid for anything for 15 minutes

A FATHER on an outing with his kids is beginning to worry after not shelling out a fortune on crap for several minutes.

A hamper and champagne flutes: the competitive items to bring to your middle class picnic

ARE you an obnoxious middle class prick keen to be superior to your friends? Then take these to their picnic.

Bee hotel receives scathing Tripadvisor review

A BEE hotel hanging from a tree at the bottom of a garden has received a brutal review on Tripadvisor, it has emerged.

Man instantly regrets deciding to piss standing up in bathroom of moving train

AFTER using a train bathroom, a male passenger is bitterly lamenting his decision not to sit down to piss.

Making someone wait to shake your hand, and other micro-dicked power moves

PRESIDENT Erdoğan of Turkey is such a masculine boss man that he made Putin wait 50 seconds before shaking his hand. What other tiny-penised power moves could he have used?

A MacBook at every table: six locations with air-con currently occupied by wankers

ADVICE to stay at home in the heatwave has been ignored by insufferable twats migrating in search of air-con. Here’s where you’ll find them.

'Ollie won't touch his gazpacho': Six very real middle-class heatwave problems

NOBODY understands how hard it is to maintain standards when you’re middle-class in an awful vulgar heatwave. Francesca Johnson explains her relatable issues:.