SCOOP, a dramatisation of Prince Andrew’s infamous 2019 Newsnight interview, has the whole world wondering if they judged him too harshly. What’s your view?
Sophie Rodriguez, chef: “Rufus Sewell was far more convincing and really sold the no-sweating bit. They should have hired him originally.”
Oliver O’Connor, aquarium cleaner: “I’m waiting for the dramatisation showing how the Netflix dramatisation was made before I decide. Should arrive in about five years.”
Carolyn Ryan, marketing manager: “They didn’t do much with the story, did they? I was hoping they’d insert a tempestuous love triangle and a big jewel like in Titanic.”
Martin Bishop, police frogman: “Not interested, I’ve already seen the porn version.”
Nathan Muir, personal trainer: “Sorry, I missed this originally. Pizza f**king Express?”