
Millionaire footballers remain terribly working-class

PREMIER league footballers remain utterly ghastly despite their multi-million pound salaries, research has found.

Keane Resigns To Spend More Time With The Voices

ROY Keane resigned as manager of Sunderland yesterday to spend more time with the 26 voices that echo around the inside of his head.

Britain Strikes Gold In Sport No-One Watches

BRITAIN was riding the crest of a wave of victory last night after repeatedly striking gold in one of those sports that nobody ever watches.

'Entente Amicale' Called Off After Bastard French Win In Paris

PRESIDENT Nicolas Sarkozy was thrown out of Britain last night and told to stick his Anglo-French brotherhood up his arse, after England lost 1-0 to France.

Formula One To Feature An Elephant On A Skateboard

MOTORSPORT bosses have unveiled plans to overhaul Formula One with exciting new features, including hand to hand combat and an elephant on a skateboard.

England To Be Excused From Sports

ENGLAND has asked to be excused from sports for the rest of the year after producing a note from its mum.

Keegan And Newcastle Pledge To Drive Off A Cliff Together

KEVINĀ  Keegan and Newcastle have pledged to drive off a cliff together in a final act of sisterhood, rather than face relegation from the premier league.

Chinese Food 'Insufficiently Cheese-Ridden', Say Americans

US athletes will take their own food to the Beijing Olympics after discovering the Chinese diet is alarmingly cheese-free.

Capello Tells England Players To Stop Being So Bad At Football

ENGLAND manager Fabio Capello has urged his squad to be much better at playing football, ahead of tonight's friendly against Switzerland.

'Oi, Manuel! A Bit Less Racism And A Bit More Service, If You Don't Mind'

BRITAINĀ  was united in outrage last night after formula one ace Lewis Hamilton was racially abused by the Spanish, of all people.