
Breed, young people, breed. The triple lock must be preserved

FORGET your gender nonsense, Gen Z. Worry not about climate change. The time has come for you to put your anxieties aside and fuck.

Please God let me stop touring, I beg you, with Mick Jagger

NEW album Hackney Diamonds means more of the few precious years The Rolling Stones have left will be spent on the road playing the same songs to the same fans.

Let's move to the city Thatcher couldn't kill! This week: Liverpool

Up in the north-west of England is the Tories’ bête noire, the working-class left-wing city they keep trying to kill but that will not die.

Period sex: do you absolutely have to? Are you sure? by the Mash sex columnist

SCARED of a little bit of blood? Not a modern, empowered, body-positive woman like you. You’re not cowed by the fact you’re feeling icky in more ways than one.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Would it kill them to add some of those 60s Batman onomatopoeia animations to hardcore pornography once in a while?

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... King Charles III pissing his reign away

WAKING with a faint buzzing about the temples, perhaps as a result of my now-customary Brasso nightcap, I recall the tumultuous events of the past few days.

It's understandable Gillian doesn't feel appreciated. It's because she isn't, and that's because she's crap

I CANNOT possibly condemn my education secretary for feeling underappreciated. She very much isn’t, but that’s entirely down to her failings in the role.

Hummus for butter and perverts in bathrobes: The gammon food critic visits a health spa

THE older you are, the harder it is to shrug shit off. For example I had a bit of a basic week – a Chinese takeaway and eight cans of lager every night – and I felt terrible.

Let's move to the post-industrial cesspit that truly defines the genre! This week: Middlesbrough

An important industrial centre for more than a century, the steelworks was royally Thatchered in the 80s, leaving only air, land and water pollution to remind residents of Middlesbrough’s glorious past.

Let Idris be the judge: Should I try to get my infant son cancelled?

I’ve come up with an amazing idea to enhance my son’s life for the better. I’m going to get him cancelled on social media for voicing bold opinions that offended the woke media.