by Michael Gove, minister for the Cabinet Office and king-in-waiting
YES, the pandemic is on everyone’s minds right now. But can we all stop debating tiers and lockdown and devote a moment to admiring how badly we’re f**king up Brexit?
There are ministers putting in sterling work cocking up. There are bold new foot-shootings like today’s refusal to even have talks. There are nameless civil servants screwing things up on the ground day after day.
But what do we see? Headlines about lockdowns and restrictions and the R number. Look, pandemics come and pandemics go. A few years, maximum. But our Brexit will leave the UK shattered for centuries.
Honestly, some of the stuff we’ve done this week alone should have the Remainers screaming. We’re destroying your kids’ economic futures, for fish! For bloody fish!
But instead everyone’s asking questions about track-and-trace, or why we kickstarted the second wave by students to university, or when we’ll put Manchester in tier three. How do you think that makes our brave solicitor general, who broke the law she’s sworn to uphold just to f**k up Brexit, feel?
We are capable of screwing things up on two fronts at once, you know. And let me be very clear that while we’re screwing up Covid, that’s just because we don’t care about it. Screwing up Brexit is our passion.
So get back on your angry tweets. Go on your marches. Write your headlines. We’re bollocking this up royally and it’s a crime that it’s getting so little attention.
Bloody Covid. It’s ruining this for us.