LEAVING your car in an ordinary car park now demands not only advanced digital literacy but also the recitation of an ancient oath.
WANT to pay an extra £200 for your car’s annual service? Simply make sure your car includes these accessories and you’ll be out of pocket in no time.
THERE are many important reasons to sound your car horn, even if you’re in a quiet residential area, and all of them are linked to being an arsehole. These are the top five.
A RURAL village is managing to run several hair salons despite having few residents and being located in the arse end of nowhere.
DEEP in the Welsh valleys, far beyond civilisation’s call, is an unusual town. A town where the erections never droop. For here every man, woman and child is on Viagra.
‘RIZZ’, meaning charisma or attractiveness, is the Oxford University Press word of the year. Which poses the risk of old people like you using it. Here’s how you’ll get it wrong.
THEFT does not count as a crime if it involves a self-service checkout, a woman firmly believes.
HAVING remained a mystery for centuries, a new dictionary has translated the various grunts and noises used by teenagers. Start understanding them with these entries.
BEING forced to react to an engagement ring? Learn how to bury your honest opinion with this guide.
THE snooze button on a man's phone allows him to repeat the most torturous part of the day again and again, it has emerged.