Who should you blame when you've massively failed at life?

You don't need to secretly record me to hear me saying stupid shit, says Boris

BORIS Johnson has assured the public that he says ill-thought-out, inflammatory nonsense quite openly, so there is no need to secretly record him.

After the pro-Brexit foreign secretary was taped warning of a Brexit ‘meltdown’ at a private dinner, he took the opportunity to remind Britain he says far more idiotic things in his official public statements.

Johnson said: “Remember when I said that we’d get a good deal because of prosecco? I said that to the Italian government. Hard to believe, isn’t it?

“Or when I recited that racist poem in a Buddhist temple? Or told Libya it’d be a lovely place for a holiday once they cleared the corpses away?

“Next week I’ve got a ridiculous speech where I blithely toss off plans to put all EU citizens in internment camps and demand ransoms for their return. It’s just what I do.

“I’m not just a blithering tosser in private. It’s 24-7, 365 days a year.”