A HOMELESS man has confirmed that the brief conversation he had with a well-meaning student will be on Facebook within the hour.
When student Mary Fisher bought rough sleeper Bill McKay a coffee and sat down to talk to him about his life, he knew the conversation would shortly become a status update earning Fisher hundreds of ‘Likes’.
McKay said: “Good on her for buying us a hot drink. Though I did get the sense she was mentally drafting her status update when we were speaking.”
Fisher posted later that day: “Just met the coolest guy ever. And guess what, he was homeless.
“I see old Phil sat by my local Tesco everyday but only today did I think, ‘I need to talk to this guy’.
“He’s so inspiring and has bright sparkly eyes.”
McKay added: “I’d actually like to read what she said about me.
“I tried to add her Facebook but she might not recognise me, as my picture was taken before the government took away the support network that was helping me to keep my head above water.
“And I didn’t have the beard either.”