A WOMAN who has finally stood up to her errant boyfriend will shortly be luxuriating in the warm, comforting embrace of a dating app.
Sophie Rodriguez, aged 26, decided she was not being a doormat for Jack Browne any longer, particularly in regard to his not answering texts and flirting with other women, and believes their relationship will be all the better for it.
Rodriguez said: “He can only love me if he respects me and he can only respect me if I tell him everything wrong with him. This is a wake-up call he doesn’t just need but wants.
“You see it all the time in the movies – a woman stands up, tells her man he’s not respecting her emotionally, he realises what he’s about to lose and changes his ways just in time. This is exactly like that.
“I know Jack’s been unfaithful, and the money I lent him wasn’t for rent, and he wasn’t just ‘trapped in the work car park’ for eight hours on my birthday, but I also know he loves me and he sincerely wants to change, so it’s ultimatum time.
“Me and the girls discussed it and we’re sure this will work. The best relationship decisions are made drunk by consensus. Everyone knows men love it when you point out their shitty behaviour, backed up by examples and evidence. Tinder? No, not for me.”
Jack Browne said: “Well, the time’s come to move the f**k on. Tinder? Never left it.”