
A bloke's guide to all those bottles of shit in the bathroom

BEWILDERED by all those bottles your partner keeps in the bathroom? Learn what they are with this guide for men.

Six ways the cost-of-living crisis will affect your weekend

EVERYTHING costs more but you're bored. How will rampant inflation bugger up your attempt to enjoy a typical weekend?

Man thinks his satnav's journey times are for pussies

A MALE motorist feels the journey durations calculated by his satnav are a personal challenge he must beat to prove his manhood.

The wanker's guide to using French phrases in everyday speech

DO you want to experience the joie de vivre that comes with unnecessarily using French words in everyday conversation? Pretentious wanker Julian Cook shares his tips.

The self-entitled twat's guide to flying off on holiday

DO you think it’s fine to be a dick so long as you get your precious week in Malaga? Here mum-of-two Donna Sheridan explains how to behave like a f**king animal at the airport and beyond.

Six things sold at the farmers' market that are f**k all to do with farms

EVERYONE loves an airy morning at the farmers’ market blowing a week’s wages on two items. But what the f**k have these got to do with farms?

House party reminds woman why she drinks alone

A WOMAN’S decision to attend a house party has provided watertight evidence as to why she should only ever drink alone.

'Nice piece of kit': Things men say to feel like proper blokes

INSECURE about your masculinity? Start saying these phrases to sound like a proper blokey geezer.

Sausage, chips and beans for tea: Five things grown men still get inexplicably excited by

DESPITE growing up, owning a home and starting a family, nothing gives men greater joy than certain types of utterly stupid shit. Here are just five examples.

Traffic cones, and other pathetic things everyone steals as a rite of passage

STEALING is wrong. That said, here are five things you, and absolutely everyone else, stole at some point while you were growing up.