HAVE you just become friends with another woman? Worried that she might be a psychopath? Here are the five warning signs that you should look out for.
Calling you her best friend
The idea of ‘best friends’ is reserved for small children and possessive monsters who will constantly ask why she wasn’t invited to your nan’s 60th after only knowing you for two weeks. Avoid.
Asking if you want to go on holiday
Be wary of any woman who wants to go through the ordeal of a ‘girls’ trip’ even though no one’s getting married/divorced/having a baby. Pretend your passport is out of date and never get it renewed.
Referring to you as ‘girlie’, ‘dear’ or ‘hon’
Anyone the same age as you who insists on calling you ‘sweetheart’ or other awkwardly pally terms is a guaranteed bunny boiler. Start calling her ‘ma’am’ and see how she likes it.
Texting you all the time
Every friendship needs room to breathe – if she can’t go a weekend without asking where you and what you’re up to and if you like this shade of lipstick it’s time to call it quits.
‘Jokingly’ fancying your dad
If she jokingly refers to your portly old dad as a ‘silver fox’, steer well clear. She’s going to find a way to be in your life, even if that means becoming your step-mum.