We ask you: which British millionaires would you like to see piss off forever?

MULTI-millionaires are fleeing the UK for shit-boring tax havens in their droves. Which rich Brit would you cheer off at Heathrow?

Oliver O’Connor, riveter: “I’m fine, because the multi-millionaires I hate are the Man City squad and they’re all off when they get booted to League One.”

Norman Steele, laptop handler: “All the lefties obviously, but they love it here in Starmer’s socialist Red utopia of cruel oppression. Narrow it down? Lorraine.”

Charlotte Phelps, RPG grinder: “Dubai must be great. After all, Jim Davidson never came back and he’s a man attuned to the finer things in life.”

Tom Logan, ostler: “Gordon Ramsey. But specifically I want him to be sent to the Valle de los Rios Apurimac region of Peru.”

Susan Traherne, newsagent: “Is Charli XCX a millionaire yet?”

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