AN inspiring family have reduced their food waste to zero by only buying bags of crisps and bars of chocolate, they have revealed.
The Malleys admitted they were throwing away uneaten vegetable chilis and rotten vegetables on a weekly basis and decided to take drastic action to save the planet.
Stephen Malley said: “It was sickening, the amount of fresh kale, apples, even chicken that was going straight in the bin. I turned to Helen and said ‘Love, our good intentions are dooming a generation.’
“For a while we tried to force the kids to eat the disgusting aubergine pasta and plain yoghurt we were buying, but it wasn’t sustainable long-term. The stuff tastes vile.
“Once we looked clearly at the problem we realised that it couldn’t be solved by conventional means, and we had to change our entire way of life, root and branch.
“So we’ve dropped the brown rice and raw milk and we live on Flamin’ Hot Monster Munch, chocolate Hob-Nobs, two-litre bottles of limeade, and ten-piece wicked variety buckets from KFC. The difference is astonishing.
“The kids wolf down their chicken poppers and ice-cream. The food waste bin is empty. And it’s all the more delicious knowing that we’re building a better future.
“Our GP says we have scurvy, but my conscience has never been cleaner.”