BRITAIN’S excellent water companies have decided to fill our waterways with raw sewage. Here’s how not to get a hideous disease next time you go for an outdoor swim.
Watch out for floaters
Goggles are handy to see the wonders of aquatic life. However, with the UK’s waters full of chunks of shit, goggles are now are an absolute necessity. They’ll give you a better chance of avoiding massive turds bobbing toward you like some menacing faecal jellyfish.
Bring some Toilet-Duck
With water treatment companies treating the UK as one giant toilet, you’ll need to as well. Chucking a few bottles of bleach into the water should kill most of the germs, leaving you to splash about in bits of used bog paper. It’s gross, but disinfected, like chlorinated chicken. But a billion trillion times worse.
Know your area
If you don’t know where your sewage is processed, for the love of Christ find out. You don’t want to be rubbing shoulders with your own turds – although to be honest it’ll be hard to identify a glob of that jalfrezi from last night. Far worse is the thought of swimming in an entire town’s-worth of poo, which is quite a good incentive to take up jogging instead.
Bring toilet paper
Ever marvel at how quickly you manage to get through toilet paper at home? After a dip in effluent, you’ll need to wipe shit off your entire body and not just your anus. So bring numerous rolls of the stuff in case you run out. Nothing screams ‘fun-filled day at the beach’ like returning home with a binbag of soiled toilet paper to flush down your own toilet.
Every cloud
With our ecological safe havens and places of leisure befouled by excrement, make the most of the opportunity. Got ‘one in the bomb bay’ while out for a dip? Simply lower your trunks and let fly. After all, what’s one more turd bobbing about in the Channel?