
Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

I asked a mate if they wanted to see a picture of my unborn baby. “Ultrasound?” he asked. “Yeah he seems pretty cool,” I replied.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the shite parade of Eurovision

WAKING in my own bed, calling for a cleric to fetch hither my breakfast of grilled kippers and my usual tincture of laudanum and absinthe, I enjoy my first Sunday morning off in years.

Secretly I'm a bit of a nerd. So I've hit Tokyo with an anime want-list like you wouldn’t believe

YOU’D never guess based on my confident, cool exterior, but secretly I’m a little bit nerdy. Specifically an otaku who loves anything anime who just landed in Tokyo.

How to look incredible in your 50s, 60, 70s, 80s and when you're dead, by Jennifer Lopez

STILL smoking hot at 53, Jennifer Lopez explains how she’ll remain a Hollywood miracle past being octogenarian and from beyond the grave.

Go right, bold Conservatives. Go righter than you've ever gone before. Britain will follow

ENOUGH wishy-washy centrism. The voters hate it or they wouldn’t have voted Lib Dem. Doubt not, Conservatives. There is always further right.

Mash Blind Date: 'I just want to stop being the world's most friendzoned man'

JOSH Gardner, who turns every possible shag into friendship, is dating Helen Archer. Can he keep it romantic or will he end being like a brother again?

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

You still have to get a chair from the kitchen, stand on it, unscrew the old one then put the new one in. These so-called energy-saving lightbulbs are a load of bollocks.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... the bastard pig filth

WAKING in a palatial chamber after a convivial evening at Clarence House, I find myself locked in the warm embrace of a woman purring sweet nothings.

'Is that a sword?' I ask. 'Like it? It's new,' says Penny, tossing her hair

SHE’S not carrying it. It’s just casually holstered at her waist, like everyone’s rocking the everyday accessory of a sword and swordbelt.

I'm so bloody full I feel sick: The gammon food critic tackles an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet

AMERICAN TikTokers, slagging off our good old British Chinese? Who do they think they are? That’s our national Friday night cuisine.